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Cell Culture Products

Activebiolab offers 50+ cell culture related products. Cell culture products are for primary cells and cell line.

Variety of products

  • Classical Basic Medium
  • Complete Growth Medium
  • Supplements and reagents


Most of our cell culture related products are cited in many reputed journals with high factor.

Our Popular Cell Culture products

If you can’t find your target products, don’t worry, our team assist you, email us your enquiry to “”.

Product Name Price
IMDM (with PS) Contact US
IMDM (without phenol red, L-glutamine) Contact US
IMDM (glucose free) Contact US
GMEM (Glasgows MEM) Contact US
William's E (without phenol red, L-glutamine) Contact US
Waymouth's MB 752/1 Contact US
TNM-FH medium for insect cells (glucose free) Contact US
0.05% Trypsin Solution (dissolved in D-Hank's) Contact US
0.05% Trypsin Solution (with EDTA, phenol red, dissolved in D-Hank's) Contact US
D-Hank's Solution (D-HBSS), without calcium, magnesium, with phenol red Contact US
Phosphate Buffer (PBS) (with PS) Contact US
Phosphate Buffer (PBS), with calcium, magnesium Contact US
Dulbecco's Phosphate Buffer (DPBS), with calcium, magnesium, phenol red Contact US
Dulbecco's Phosphate Buffer (DPBS), with calcium, magnesium, sodium pyruvate , glucose , without phenol red Contact US
Dulbecco's Phosphate buffer (DPBS), without calcium, magnesium, with phenol red Contact US
Earle's Balanced Salt Solution (EBSS), without calcium, magnesium, phenol red Contact US
Earle's Balanced Salt Solution (EBSS), with calcium, magnesium, without phenol red Contact US
Advanced Tyrode's Solution, for mammalian myocardium Contact US
Tyrode's Solution, without calcium Contact US
RPMI-1640, powder Contact US
DMEM (High Glucose), powder Contact US
DMEM/F12 (with HEPES), powder Contact US
DMEM/F12, powder Contact US
MEM (with NEAA), powder Contact US
MEM? (with nucleoside), powder Contact US
IMDM, powder Contact US
M199, powder Contact US
McCoy's 5A, powder Contact US
Ham's F-12, powder Contact US
Ham's F-12K, powder Contact US
DMEM (High glucose) Contact US
DMEM (High glucose) (with PS) Contact US
DMEM (High glucose) (without sodium pyruvate ) Contact US
DMEM (High glucose) (without L-glutamine) Contact US
DMEM (High glucose) (without L-glutamine, sodium pyruvate ) Contact US
DMEM (High glucose) (with HEPES) Contact US
DMEM (Low glucose) Contact US
DMEM (High glucose) (without phenol red) Contact US
DMEM (High glucose) (with L- alanyl -L-glutamine) Contact US
DMEM (High glucose) (with L- alanyl -L-glutamine, without phenol red) Contact US
DMEM (High glucose) (with L- alanyl -L-glutamine, without sodium pyruvate ) Contact US
DMEM (High glucose) (with L- alanyl -L-glutamine, HEPES) Contact US
DMEM (Low glucose) (without phenol red) Contact US
MEM (with NEAA, without L-glutamine) Contact US
MEM (without L-glutamine) Contact US
MEM (with NEAA, without L-glutamine, phenol red) Contact US
MEM (with L- alanyl -L-glutamine) Contact US
MEM (without phenol red) Contact US
MEM (without phenol red, with L- alanyl -L-glutamine) Contact US
MEM (glucose free) (with NEAA) Contact US
MEM (glucose free) (with NEAA, L- alanyl -L-glutamine) Contact US
MEM (glucose free) (with NEAA, without phenol red) Contact US
MEM (glucose free) (with NEAA, L- alanyl -L-glutamine, without phenol red) Contact US
MEM (glucose free) Contact US
MEM (glucose free) (with L- alanyl -L-glutamine) Contact US
MEM (glucose free) (without phenol red, L-glutamine) Contact US
MEM (ATCC Modification) Contact US
MEM? Contact US
MEM? (without nucleoside) Contact US
MEM? (with L- alanyl -glutamine) Contact US
Grace S supplement medium for insect cells Contact US
Penicillin-Streptomycin Solution (100?) Contact US
Penicillin-Streptomycin-Glutamine Solution (100?) Contact US
Penicillin-Streptomycin-Neomycin Solution (PSN) (100?) Contact US
10mg/mL Gentamicin Sulphate Solution Contact US
50mg/mL G-418 Solution Contact US
50mg/mL Hygromycin B Solution Contact US
250 ?g/mL Amphotericin B Solution Contact US
Kanamycin Sulfate Solution (100?) Contact US
0.05% Trypsin Solution (dissolved in PBS) Contact US
0.05% Trypsin Solution (with EDTA, dissolved in PBS) Contact US
0.05% Trypsin Solution (with EDTA, dissolved in D-Hank's) Contact US
0.25% Trypsin Solution (dissolved in D-Hank's) Contact US
0.25% Trypsin Solution (with phenol red, dissolved in D-Hank's) Contact US
0.25% Trypsin Solution Contact US
0.25% Trypsin Solution (with EDTA, phenol red, dissolved in D-Hank's) Contact US
0.25% Trypsin Solution (with EDTA, dissolved in D-Hank's) Contact US
0.25% Trypsin Solution (dissolved in PBS) Contact US
0.25% Trypsin Solution (with EDTA, phenol red, dissolved in PBS) Contact US
0.02% EDTA Solution (Versene Solution) Contact US
55mM ?-Mercaptoethanol (1000?) Contact US
Recombinant Human Interleukin-2 (IL-2) Solution Contact US
D-Hank's Balanced Salt Solution (D-HBSS), without calcium, magnesium, phenol red Contact US
Hank's Balanced Salt Solution (HBSS), with calcium, magnesium, without phenol red Contact US
Hank's Solution (HBSS), with calcium, magnesium, phenol red Contact US
1M HEPES Solution Contact US
Phosphate Buffer (PBS) Contact US
Dulbecco's Phosphate Buffer (DPBS), without calcium, magnesium, phenol red Contact US
Dulbecco's Phosphate Buffer (DPBS), with calcium, magnesium, without phenol red Contact US
Earle's buffer (EBSS), with calcium, magnesium, phenol red Contact US
Earle's buffer (EBSS), without calcium, magnesium, with phenol red Contact US
Tyrode's Solution Contact US
Advanced Tyrode's Solution, with HEPES Contact US
Alsever's Solution Contact US
Krebs-Hensleit's Solution Contact US
0.9% Normal Saline Contact US
7.5% NaHCO3 Solution Contact US
Phosphate Buffer (PBS) (10?) Contact US
0.4% Trypan Blue Solution Contact US
Freezing Medium (Serum-free & animal origin-free) Contact US
Ultrafiltration Water, cell culture level Contact US
5 mg/mL MTT Solution Contact US
Poly-L-Lysine Solution (10?) Contact US
Room SafeGuard Contact US
Bath SafeGuard Contact US
DMEM (Low glucose) (without phenol red, L-glutamine) Contact US
DMEM (Low glucose) (with L- alanyl -L-glutamine) Contact US
DMEM (Low glucose) (with L- alanyl -L-glutamine, without phenol red) Contact US
DMEM (glucose free) (without phenol red, L-glutamine, sodium pyruvate ) Contact US
DMEM (glucose free) Contact US
DMEM (glucose free) (without L-glutamine, sodium pyruvate ) Contact US
DMEM (glucose free) (without phenol red) Contact US
DMEM (glucose free) (without phenol red, L-glutamine) Contact US
DMEM (glucose free) (with L- alanyl -L-glutamine) Contact US
DMEM (glucose free) (with L- alanyl -L-glutamine, without phenol red) Contact US
DMEM/F12 (with HEPES) Contact US
DMEM/F12 Contact US
DMEM/F12 (with PS) Contact US
DMEM/F12 (with L- alanyl -L-glutamine) Contact US
DMEM/F12 (with L- alanyl -L-glutamine, HEPES) Contact US
DMEM/F12 (without phenol red) Contact US
DMEM/F12 (without phenol red, with L- alanyl -L-glutamine) Contact US
DMEM/F12 (glucose free) Contact US
DMEM/F12 (glucose free) (without L-glutamine) Contact US
DMEM/F12 (glucose free) (without phenol red, L-glutamine) Contact US
DMEM/F12 (glucose free) (with L- alanyl -L-glutamine) Contact US
RPMI-1640 Contact US
RPMI-1640 (with HEPES) Contact US
RPMI-1640 (without L-glutamine) Contact US
RPMI-1640 (with L- alanyl -L-glutamine) Contact US
RPMI-1640 (with L- alanyl -L-glutamine, HEPES) Contact US
RPMI-1640 (with L- alanyl -L-glutamine, without phenol red) Contact US
RPMI-1640 (without phenol red) Contact US
RPMI-1640 (without phenol red, L-glutamine) Contact US
RPMI-1640 (glucose free) Contact US
RPMI-1640 (glucose free) (with L- alanyl -L-glutamine) Contact US
RPMI-1640 (glucose free) (with L- alanyl -L-glutamine, without phenol red) Contact US
RPMI-1640 (glucose free) (without phenol red) Contact US
RPMI-1640 (glucose free) (without phenol red, L-glutamine) Contact US
RPMI-1640 (ATCC Modification) Contact US
MEM (with NEAA) Contact US
MEM Contact US
MEM? (without nucleoside, with L- alanyl -L-glutamine) Contact US
McCoy's 5A Contact US
McCoy's 5A (with HEPES) Contact US
McCoy's 5A (with L- alanyl -L-glutamine) Contact US
McCoy's 5A (with L- alanyl -L-glutamine, HEPES) Contact US
MEM/F12 Contact US
M199 Contact US
M199 (without L-glutamine) Contact US
M199 (without phenol red) Contact US
M199 (with L- alanyl -L-glutamine) Contact US
M199 (without phenol red, with L- alanyl -L-glutamine) Contact US
Leibovitz's L-15 Contact US
Leibovitz's L-15 (without L-glutamine) Contact US
Leibovitz's L-15 (with L- alanyl -L-glutamine) Contact US
Leibovitz's L-15 (without phenol red) Contact US
Ham's F-10 Contact US
Ham's F-10 (with L-alanyl-L-glutamine) Contact US
Ham's F-12 Contact US
Ham's F-12 (with L- alanyl -L-glutamine) Contact US
Ham's F-12K Contact US
Ham's F-12K (with L- alanyl -L-glutamine) Contact US
Ham's F-12K (without phenol red) Contact US
IMDM Contact US
IMDM (without L-glutamine) Contact US
IMDM (with L- alanyl -L-glutamine) Contact US
IMDM (without phenol red) Contact US
IMDM (without phenol red, with L- alanyl -L-glutamine) Contact US
MCDB 131 (without L-glutamine) Contact US
William's E (without L-glutamine) Contact US
William's E (with L- alanyl -glutamine) Contact US
BME (with L-glutamine) Contact US
William's E (with L-glutamine) Contact US
TNM-FH medium for insect cells Contact US
Grace's medium for insect cells Contact US
0.5% EDTA Solution Contact US
200g/L D-Glucose Solution Contact US
200mM L-Alanyl-L-Glutamine Solution (100?) Contact US
200mM L-Glutamine Solution (100?) Contact US
100mM Sodium Pyruvate Solution (100?) Contact US
MEM Non-Essential Amino Acid Solution (NEAA) (100?) Contact US
MEM Amino Acid Solution (50?) Contact US
MEM Vitamine Solution (100?) Contact US
Insulin-Transferrin-Selenium (ITS -G) (100?) Contact US
Insulin-Transferrin-Selenium-Sodium Pyruvate (ITS-A) (100?) Contact US
Insulin-Transferrin-Selenium-Ethanolamine (ITS -X) (100?) Contact US
10 mg/mL Recombinant Human Insulin Solution Contact US
HAT Solution (50?) Contact US
HT Solution (50?) Contact US